The July Four Lakes Scuba meeting will be Wednesday, July 8th at 7PM Central. We do have a speaker this month! John-Aaron Bozanic will join us to talk about his project, 1,000,000 Pieces of Trash, a worldwide effort to clean
Fall Events
Big thanks to Cassandra Johnson for presenting at the September 2019 meeting about Dunbar Rock Villa at Guanaja, Honduras. There are some club events coming up this fall! Saturday, October 5: Phoenix Party. Bring a side dish, beverages, a lawn
April and May, 2019
At the April Four Lakes Scuba Club meeting, 4LSC’s own Lisa Vorburger shared the some amazing photos of the critters of Lembeh, Indonesia. In May, Tori Galloway, a graduate student at Indiana University, presented on the shipwrecks of the Dominican
March 2019 Speakers on Castle Rock Cave
Join us on Wednesday, March 13, 2019 7:30pm at Babe’s for Andy Bachhuber, Bob Dankert, Brad Acker, and Gayle Orner’s presentation on the unique Castle Rock Cave. Home of the infamous Cheesegrater restriction, this cave in southwest Wisconsin requires no-mount
February Speaker
Join us Wednesday, February 13 for Jim Troupis’s talk about his recent trip to Australia and Papua New Guinea. He spent several days diving the Great Barrier Reef, then experienced some exciting land adventures in New Guinea, including the Goroka
January Speaker: Bill Hoernke
Join us this Wednesday, January 9th at Babe’s for our own Bill Hoernke speaking about his experiences completing the PADI Instructor Development Course in Bonaire. In addition, club elections will be held at the meeting. We’re looking for officers to
November Speaker: Vivian Weber
During the November 2018 meeting, Vivian Weber shared some amazing photos of the underwater life around Lembeh, Indonesia. You can see her photos on her website Voice of the Sea.
July Meeting at Tenney Park Locks
The next Four Lakes Scuba meeting will be a field trip to the Tenney Park Locks, where the Dane County Sheriff’s Office will give us a tour and explain how the locks work. Please also note that we are meeting
February 2018 Meeting
Join us Valentine’s Day Wednesday, February 14 for this month’s presentation by our very own Team Jellen (John Fafinski and Ellen Evans). They’ll be sharing their past adventures. If you’re planning to donate gear to Diveheart, bring it to the
January 2018 Meeting: John Janzen
Join us Wednesday, January 10 at 7:30pm at Babe’s for the monthly meeting. Speaking this month is John Janzen’s recent dive as part of the first team of divers to see the Senator, 430 feet below Lake Michigan. Also take a