The weather is slowly starting to get warmer and we’re all thinking about spring and another dive season. Come join us for April’s meeting on Wednesday the 13th at 7:30PM at Hop Haus Fitchburg. Details to come in the newsletter.
This month’s speaker
This month’s speaker is Robert Johnson. Robert is a marine ecologist and research scientist at UW-Madison. Prior to joining UW, Robert has been a member of multiple aquatic research teams, where he has participated in various projects spanning streams, lakes, and the coastal oceans. Robert got his start in diving right here in the lakes of southern Wisconsin while he was a student at UW before he moved to Florida for graduate school to begin working in marine systems. His research focuses on understanding the roles of green sea turtles in Caribbean seagrass meadows and has taken him to sites across the Caribbean, including getting to spend a summer living on Little Cayman. As a
graduate student, Robert became a certified science diver with the American Academy of Underwater Scientists (AAUS), and as a result, 84% of his bottom time has now been spent with his face buried in the seagrass or working with equipment on the sea floor. This month, he’ll be speaking about the role and benefits of SCUBA in aquatic science, along with sharing pictures and stories on the benefits of diving at a research station.
We hope you can join us!
Last month’s speaker
In March, our own Tamara Thomsen presented on the story and gave an update on the Lake Mendota canoe that was brought up late last year. It was an awesome talk. If you missed our in-person meeting, you’re in luck: check out an earlier recording given to the Wisconsin Historical Society. Follow Tami on Facebook for the latest updates on the preservation efforts that are underway.