We have several events coming up over the next several months. Put them on your calendars and watch for updates as we get closer.
- Our annual Dive Eat Float was rescheduled to Saturday, August 27th. This consists of a fun dive at Redgranite Quarry, followed by a potluck cookout at Randy’s, and finished with a nice easy float down the Mecan River. We hope you all can join us for any or all of these!
- Saturday, October 1st we’ll have a fun dive at Lake Wazee!
- Our annual Phoenix Party will be Saturday, October 8th.
- The following Sunday, October 9th in the morning we’ll do a cleanup dive of the Yahara River between Lakes Mendota and Monona. This has always found a copious quantity of trash. We can use some canoe and shore support on this dive.
I also want to invite everyone to join the club for our monthly meetings at the Hop Haus. We have an exciting speaker lineup for the rest of the year and to keep getting top-notch speakers they’ll need an audience. So come join in and bring your dive buddies and non-diver friends. Everyone’s invited and the upcoming topics have something for everyone.
August Update