The first weekend of cleanup dives is in the books. We had a great turnout–thanks for those who joined us! On Saturday, the group pulled 17 anchors, a rake, and two buckets of bottles, cans, and miscellaneous junk out of
Dive Eat Float 2017
Join Four Lakes Scuba Club on Saturday, July 29 for the 13th annual Dive Eat Float event! More details will be coming soon. Dive at Redgranite Quarry Social picnic at Randy’s Float down the Mecan River
June 2017 Meeting and Newsletter
This Wednesday, June 14, join us across the street from the usual meeting location: Vitense Golfland! We’ll be mini-golfing starting at 7:00pm–note the time change. The cost will be $7.50 per adult and $6 for kids. If you want to
May 2017 Speakers and Newsletter
Join us at Babe’s on Wednesday May 10, 2017 for the Four Lakes Scuba meeting. The presenters this month are Brad and Nikki Acker. They’ll be sharing their dive video and experiences from their 2016 trip to Palau and Chuuk.
2017 Community Service Dives
Get ready to help take a stake in our waters and help clean up our local lakes and waterways. Everybody’s invited to the 2017 events–divers, snorkelers, and shore crew.
Frontier of Decompression Research talk by Dr. Peter Buzzacott
Four Lakes SCUBA Club and Hoofers SCUBA Club present Dr. Peter Buzzacott, who will be presenting on the frontiers of decompression research. This special event will be held at the Memorial Union‘s Mendota Lodge on April 24th at 7PM. The
April 2017 Meeting
Join us on Wednesday April 12th at 7:30pm at Babes for a special viewing of Coral Reef Adventure.
Share your thoughts on the proposed Lake Michigan National Marine Sancutary
If you care about celebrating and protecting Wisconsin’s unique maritime heritage, then your feedback regarding the following is critical.