We hope you’ll all join us for the annual Dive, Eat, Float on Saturday, August 10! All are welcome — divers, snorkelers, “support crew,” and tubers. Dive 🤿 Meet at Redgranite Quarry at 9am on the pickle factory side. Map.
Cleanup Dives
Thanks to everyone who came out for the annual cleanup dives in May! We had a great turnout and mostly good weather. Lake Kegonsa appears to be clean; divers found very little garbage at all. Mendota near the Union and
Four Lakes Cleanup Dives
Dates and locations have been set for our annual cleanup dives in our four lakes. We hope you all can join us! Gayle is coordinating the first weekend’s dives, and Brad the second weekend. We can use anyone’s help: divers,
Ghost Ships Is Back!
It’s Official! Wisconsin’s Ghost Ships Festival is back. Last held in 2017, the Ghost Ships Festival was Wisconsin’s premier event for Great Lakes diving, maritime history and underwater archeology enthusiasts. The Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association in conjunction with the new
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for all of those who to the holiday party this week. We had a great time. Congratulations to Andy, the newest recipient of the travelling trophy for most dives! And thank you so much to Lisa, Nikki, and Diane
June Fun Dive at Pearl Lake
Due to poor visibility in Devil’s Lake, we decided to move the club dive to Pearl Lake. This will require some extra work if you plan to attend. Diving at Pearl Lake requires a dive shop to sponsor us, and
2023 Cleanup Dives, Week 2
We had wonderful weather for our second weekend of dives. Thank you to everyone who came out to help! Special thanks to Dane County for providing the barge on both days. On Saturday, a group of six took the barge
June Meeting
Hope you’re all having a great spring so far. Join us on June 14th at 7pm at Benvenuto’s Fitchburg for our next meeting and speaker: Lisie Kitchel is a Conservation Biologist with the WDNR Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation, formerly
2023 Cleanup Dives
The first weekend of cleanup dives is in the books. We had a great turnout–thanks for those who joined us! On Saturday, the group pulled 17 anchors, a rake, and two buckets of bottles, cans, and miscellaneous junk out of
April Meeting. Still at Capital Brewery. Meet the new officers.
Our monthly meeting is Wednesday, April 12, and we have some big changes coming based on your feedback from the survey. Be sure to spread the word! Our April speaker is Cara Moll, PAC, who is a travel medicine specialist. Learn what