Dive, Eat, Float 2023

We had another perfect day for DEF. Thank you to our host, Randy!
THE DIVE: There was good viz for a few feet and then again below 30 feet. It was very warm above the thermocline. In the 40’s below it. The granite walls are always cool to look at with the sun coming up over them. Divers found a little trash, a wallet with ID and credit cards, cell phone, Apple watch, ring, $6.15, a shirt worth keeping, and a grill top. John and Ellen replenished their supply of “Quarry Glasses”. They use them on vacation. It’s nice not to have to worry about losing glasses on a dive boat.

THE EATS: Grilling outside with friends is a treat. There were many tasty dishes to sample including garden fresh vegetables, pasta salad, deviled eggs, cookies and Caprese skewers.

THE FLOAT: Gayle appears to have taken over as the person to puncture her flotation. She made it down the Mecan with the air left in the pillow part of her float. We saw a few other floaters and kayakers, but otherwise it was a peaceful trip.

EAT SOME MORE: Some of us sat awhile longer enjoying the conversation and more food.
What a fun filled day. Join us next year.

August Meeting

Join us on August 9th at 7pm at Benvenuto’s Fitchburg for our next meeting and speaker:

This Month we welcome Paul Dearlove as our featured speaker.

Paul Dearlove, deputy director of Clean Lake Alliance will talk to us about their vision, how they plan to get there and what we can do to help.
Clean Lakes Alliance is a nonprofit organization devoted to improving the water quality of the lakes, streams, and wetlands of the Yahara River Watershed.
They are a unique partnership of diverse stakeholders who are building on and expanding upon decades of ongoing efforts to preserve and restore our waters.
Their goal is to raise community awareness of the issues facing the watershed, advocate for the welfare of our lakes, and help procure the necessary funding to clean and protect these waterways.
They work closely with state, county and local government agencies, waterway user groups, lakefront property owners, and community nonprofits to serve as both a positive voice for the promotion of our cherished lakes and a fundraising vehicle for achieving these ends.

Dive, Eat, Float

Come join us for Dive, Eat, Float on Saturday, August 5th.

Dive: Meet at Redgranite Quarry at 9 am on the pickle factory side.

Eat: Meet at Randy’s place at about noon. Bring your own meat or protein for the grill, beverages, lawn chair, and a dish to pass.

Float: After lunch float down the Mecan. Eat some more after the float, if you would like.

We welcome all…
divers, snorkelers, tubers, “support crew”

  • Come for the dive, stay for the picnic.
  • Come for the picnic, stay for the float.
  • Come for the day, do it all. More fun than any water park!

You’ll need

  • Dive gear
  • “rock proof” tube or flotation device
  • “rock proof” shoes for the river
  • Camp chair
  • Small dish to pass
  • Soft or fermented drink for yourself
  • Something to grill for yourself
  • Sunscreen


Red Granite Quarry

Red Granite Quarry to Randy’s

Direct to Randy’s Place

July Meeting

Hope you’re all having a great beginning to the summer. Join us on July 12th at 7pm at Benvenuto’s Fitchburg for our next meeting and speaker:

This month we welcome back Brendon Baillod. Brendon is an award winning maritime historian and author. He has been researching Great Lakes shipwrecks for over 20 years. His research has resulted in hundreds of shipwreck discoveries and he has appeared on the History Channel, Discovery Channel and National Geographic Channel discussing Great Lakes shipwrecks. He is president of Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association and is on the Wisconsin Shipwreck Coast National Marine Sanctuary
Advisory Council. He is active with other maritime boards and organizations. Brendon will give his presentation “Ghosts of Milwaukee Coast: Top Ten Ships Still Missing Off Southern Wisconsin”. Brendon always gives a great presentation, so plan on attending.

Pearl Lake 2023

We had 8 divers attend the Four Lakes Scuba Club Pearl Lake dive. The weather was perfect with sunshine and warm temperatures. Visibility was good but the water was cold below the thermocline. We saw nesting blue gills, walleyes, bass, and turtles. There were multiple sunken boats to see, plus a bus, sub and crane. We had a cookout between dives. Thanks to Andy, Gayle, and John for pictures.

June Meeting

Hope you’re all having a great spring so far. Join us on June 14th at 7pm at Benvenuto’s Fitchburg for our next meeting and speaker:

Due to an unexpected turn of events, our speaker for June will be rescheduling to later in the year. Instead of mussels, our own John and Ellen will be presenting on their world travels around La Paz, Mexico and the Bahamas. June is also Dive Safety Month. Hope you all can join us!

Lake Mendota Picnic

We had great weather and turnout for our annual picnic at Lake Mendota. We had 17 attendees (if you count two dogs) and five divers. The water was really clear! We found a few really neat bottles and a little bit of trash. Thanks to John H. for the photos and Randy for the video below.

June Fun Dive at Pearl Lake

Due to poor visibility in Devil’s Lake, we decided to move the club dive to Pearl Lake. This will require some extra work if you plan to attend.

Pearl Lake Logo
  • Date: Saturday, June 17th
  • Location: Pearl Lake
  • Time: meet at the dive site at 9:00am
  • Cost: $30.00 per person for the day
  • Requirements:
    • Pearl Lake liability form
    • Copy of your ID
    • Copy of your dive certification card
    • Copy of your dive insurance card, DAN Preferred Plan or greater
    • Four Lakes Liability form if you haven’t filled one out this year
    • Check for $30 made out to Diversions Scuba
    • All of your own gear. There are no air fills or rentals at Pearl Lake.

Diving at Pearl Lake requires a dive shop to sponsor us, and Diversions Scuba offered to do that. The copies of your ID/dive cert/dive insurance card, $30, and liability form need to be dropped off at Diversions by Friday morning, June 16th. If the shop is closed, leave it in their mailbox. Alternatively, bring it to the monthly meeting on Wednesday and John can drop it off for you.

We will plan to do 2-3 dives. Bring a lunch and beverages (no alcohol allowed). The site isn’t assigned yet, but we’ll try to get a site along the north or east shore.

2023 Cleanup Dives, Week 2

We had wonderful weather for our second weekend of dives. Thank you to everyone who came out to help! Special thanks to Dane County for providing the barge on both days.

On Saturday, a group of six took the barge from Fish Camp to Lake Kegonsa Williams Point. Last year we found a lot of anchors, but John and Ellen lost most of them when their float tipped. This year unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) we didn’t find nearly as much–maybe six anchors total.

We made up for that on Sunday with a big group at the Lake Mendota Lake Street Boat Ramp. Some of the divers went towards the Memorial Union and found signs, a ladder, two skateboards, a handful of vape pens, sunglasses galore, a dorm moving cart, a wallet with ID and credit cards, and the typical assortment of bottles, cans, and Solo cups. Brad and Greg both found cell phones, and one of them turned on! Tami even found a unique toy. Most of the divers went to the right along the fraternities, and they pulled up a staggering number of chairs and other big things.

June Meeting

Hope you’re all having a great spring so far. Join us on June 14th at 7pm at Benvenuto’s Fitchburg for our next meeting and speaker:

Lisie Kitchel is a Conservation Biologist with the WDNR Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation, formerly the Bureau of Endangered Resources.  She is trained as an aquatic ecologist and works on rare aquatic species statewide.  She has been chasing our native mussels and other aquatic organisms around the state for over 20 years.  Conservation of our native freshwater mussels is her passion and one which she enjoys sharing with others who enjoy the lakes, rivers and streams of Wisconsin.

Our native mussels/clams of Wisconsin

We will explore one of Wisconsin’s most diverse, yet hidden treasures, the freshwater mussel.  Learn all about our state’s 50 native species, where they can be found, their fascinating life cycle, including their dependence on fish and ways they fool them, and amazing contributions to the history of Wisconsin, from food to buttons to pearls. You are guaranteed to come away with a greater appreciation of these unique animals and their beauty.